What the FOGO?

A better bin system is coming to Leederville Gardens

No FOGO isn’t a new dance move or a trendy new café on Oxford Street – it’s a new way of recycling and disposing of your household waste and it’s being rolled out in the City of Vincent this October.

FOGO stands for Food Organics Garden Organics and will see all homes move to a three-bin service, which includes a new FOGO bin.


Description of imageThe LIME GREEN LID FOGO BIN is for food and organic waste such as fruit, vegetables, fish, garden trimmings and animal waste.

Lime Green lid bin will be collected weekly

Description of imageThe YELLOW LID RECYCLING BIN is for recyclables like plastic bottles, paper, steel cans and glass.

Yellow lid bin will be collected fortnightly.

Description of imageThe RED LID GENERAL WASTE BIN is for general rubbish that cannot be composted or recycled, such as nappies and plastic bags.

Red lid bin will change from a weekly to fortnightly collection.


Up to half the contents in our old dark green waste bins was organic material. Under a FOGO system, we can turn this organic material into high-quality compost. This will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make a positive and lasting impact on our environment.

A FOGO bin system will be a great leap forward in our City’s target of zero waste to landfill by 2028. Under the State Government’s recently revised Waste Strategy 2030, all Councils will need to move to a three bin FOGO system by 2025.

FOGO bins will be collected once a week, while the red and yellow bins will be collected fortnightly. As part of the rollout, households will be provided with a caddy bin and liners for their kitchen to help collect their food waste before placing them in the green-top bin.

Leederville Gardens Retirement Estate resident Karen Holyoake has been trialing FOGO for the past few months and said the three-bin system was user friendly and great for the environment.

“I can’t rave about it enough, everyone here has really embraced FOGO and we are actually enjoying recycling,’’ she said.

“So much unwanted waste was going into the bin before, this new system encourages you to think about your waste before throwing it away. I know it’s hard for some people to break old habits, but once you make the move to a three-bin system you’ll never look back.”