Preventing Falls

Staying fit and independent is an important part of healthy ageing.

Did you know that falls are preventable? A fall can happen at any age and is not a normal part of getting older. Despite popular belief, slips, trips and falling accidents don’t just happen.

Falls and falls-related injuries are serious health issues and are the leading cause of injury hospitalisation for older adults.

The good news is that just like any injury, there are things that can be done to reduce the risk of falls. Falls are preventable.

Understanding that falls can happen to anyone, whatever their age, will help you to take falls seriously and find ways to prevent them before they happen.

Here are three steps for you to follow to help prevent slips, trips and falls… so you can stay on your feet® and get on with enjoying the fun things in life.

Three steps to stay on your feet

1. Move Your Body

  • Build your balance and strengthen your legs

2. Improve your health

  • Check your medicines, keep a healthy mind and fuel your body

3. Remove hazards

  • Make your home safer, check your eyesight and wear safe footwear

Find out more about these three steps to stay on your feet by contacting the Stay On Your Feet team at Injury Matters.

The Stay On Your Feet® program aims to reduce falls and falls related injuries amongst older adults living in the community and encourage confidence in independent living.

The program focuses on:

  • raising awareness of the risk of falls for older adults including that falls can be prevented
  • improving awareness of the importance of managing good health amongst older adults
  • improving strength and balance amongst older adults
  • working with health professionals and community workers to help reduce the modifiable risk factors for falling.

More information

Injury Matters (external site) is supported by the Government of Western Australia to deliver the Stay On Your Feet WA® program.


  • Falls are preventable
  • Staying fit and independent is an important part of healthy ageing.
  • Move your body, Improve your health and Remove hazards to stay on your feet.